hey i'm Keshav Raj

"Passionate Web and Native Application developer,
Makes people life easier."

Developer, We have power to Seek Problem..🔎 Build solution..🖥️ Change the World 🌎

About Me.

Software Engineer with a proven ability to work in a fast phase environment. Worked as a individual and a as a Team in many features, Never afraid to try new things which I'm not comfortable with.

What makes me happy and satisfied?
Solution given by us in Tech world changing someone life in Real world.

Download Resume

Not fan of reading? here another About Me.

What I'm good at?

I worked on almost all the phases of the development from scratch to Production releases.

Web Development

I primarily worked with React and Redux for last 3years. Which is used by 12 million+ users across the world.

Responsive Design

Solution I provided not only help the users with Mac or Desktop users, Yeah we gave solutions for all the users from smaller mobile device to larger Desktop devices.Without giving up UI/UX experience.

Native App

With magic of React native and Redux, We Provided Both Android and Ios Apps which given native UI/UX experience and best performance.

Oops, Bugs!!

Debugging, We developers actually learn lot through the Bugs we created :) / Myself I solved lot of problems in a short amount of time.


As a Individual and as a Team, I have lot of experience with getting use cases from customer and brining feasible solutions to meet almost all use cases.

As a Team

Experienced in managing Team and deliver the products with the features with production quality and meeting the timeline.

Tech stack

Some I worked on each and every single day, Some I learnt for fixing Bugs or for fun projects. Yeah "Developers" We have fun time with Code sometimes.

have I did something awesome?

May be, But hat-trick Best employee of the year award feels I might did something.


Having idea about solving any problem through Tech? please feel free to contact me.




+91 8056037995